We’ve about 30 crew on the track for most of the day, today is the big day where the asphalt turn get its distinct black surface.
we’ve 120 tons of hot asphalt, 13 crew all ready for ‘hot feet’ session racking the track as we get the burning hot tarmac poured, 6 film crew and 2 camera personnel, 3 BMX turns to pave, 3 supervisors, 4 compactors, 3 excavator operators, 2 Dirtraction’s crew, a few visit from SYOGOC personnel, countless coordination phone calls SSC-SYOGOC-Contractors, 1 asphalt expert, 1 crazy golf buggy, 1 cement startgate platform to design and 12hrs of continuous work symphony conducted by Tom himself.
mobile water supply for turn 3
Compacting for production
turn 3 almost ready to be compacted, buggy is taken apart for streamlining
hot racking at turn 3
Tom showing how we should rack it
graffiti art on turn 3
tom compacting turn 2 himself
start hill carved up for starter zone, and start gate
hot tarmac from the tap
excavator assisted asphalt laying
clear hot sky for the day, we asked for it we got it!
turn 2 nicely compacted, with the dark cloud looming behind
newest ride in Tampines Bike Park, Bumpy Buggy Berm Ride.
turn 1 halfway ‘painted’
work move on as the sky move towards sunset
last load of hot asphalt at 8-9PM assisted by various machinery lighting.