Kent Ridge Mountain Biking Trail is located at the edge of the Southern Ridges of Singapore.
The narrow ridge and its secondary forest set the scene for a great wooded canopied mountain biking experience.
This 3km long trail with emphasis on single track riding, tight technical downhill and ladder bridges riding started off as a project collaboration with Singapore Amateur Cycling Association and National Parks Board.

DirTraction crew is involved in the initial design and build process of the trail, and subsequently trail audit, expansion and trail specific maintenance consultancy for the land managers.
The initial trail loop, built around the 3rd quarter of 2005, comprise of 1.8km of single tracks weaving through various existing walking paths, steps and a cycle path at the side of the road climb.
The trail brought fresh influx of riding, changes the mountain biking requirements in Singapore in a blink, simply by trail design and surfaces.
Unlike the other trails in Singapore before the existence of Kent Ridge Mountain Biking Trail, tight corners and singletrack riding test riders slow speed controls and ability, lowering the risk of speed related offroad accident found previously in the other trails.
However the effort is hampered by design constrain set forth by the land managers then.
More climbs and sections are introduced in 2006-2007, where longer switchback climbs and descent options allow for a smoother flow, correcting various touchy sections created previously and allows for better hikers and riders separations.
in 2008, the trail get an extra 1.2km in length where the temporary trail along the road climb is now replaced with a bi-directional singletrack that allows for a fun climb and yet provides the thrill needed in a Super D ride.

Between 2009 and 2011, efforts in Kent Ridge Park is purely concentrated around yearly maintenance and some minor reroutes. These efforts centered around the annual cross country and Super D races when the ‘Dirt Crew’ couldn’t commit further community time for Kent Ridge most of the months.
Red Bull Dark Knights impact on the trails in Kent Ridge is worth a mention.
In Jan 2011, the existing Super D line is greatly enhanced with gravity based features, in turns helps conceptualize one of the premier mountain biking gravity event in the region.
In 2012, Dirtraction’s trail community efforts in Kent Ridge is greatly assisted by an anchoring group of bikers. Riders from ‘Ride Brothers’ came forward to start the ball rolling for a trail adoption programme in Kent Ridge. Regular trail days help improve the trail conditions, with efforts turning towards a ride centric trails, rather than previously race centric approach.
The trails is re-design and construct to cater to a wider group of riders instead of simply just the ‘hardcores’, improving the flow and sustainability in the process. ‘SGTAP -Kent Ridge’ managed to activate and gel various groups of mountain bikers, mostly anonymous, to place sweat equity into the trails they ride.
With National Parks Board backing on the trail network, the trails offer opportunity for expansion and longevity.
While Dirtraction’s work in Kent Ridge Park is mainly CSR based effort, we will remain committed to ensure the trail network grow in a sustainable manner.